Sunday, June 19, 2011

How to Fold/Roll a Pair of Shorts/Pants (for max. space)

1) So, here's the common pair of Adidas training shorts (below).  This method also works fine with other shorts as well as pants (although pants will require folding, not rolling).

2) First, fold the shorts by taking the front and backside and pulling these apart so the pair of white seams are exactly next to one-another (see below). On any other pair of shorts or pants, the seams on either side of the garmet would be next to one-another. 

3) Next, fold the shorts from either the left or right along the white seams so that the length will be shortened (below).

4) Take the bottom of the shorts and fold them up until they meet the top (below).

5) Now, start from either the bottom or the top and begin to tightly and neatly roll the shorts up, taking care not to go so fast as to make them uneven (below).

6) When the shorts look like the finished product below, you're good to go.

*Note: Pants are pretty much the same aside from the fact that you should fold the pants more than once (as with the shorts) depending on length to get the desired results.

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